Basic Information:
Name: Evoh Rhaal
Alias: Eve
Alignment: Neutral/Neutral Good
Age: 28
Height: 5 fulm 2 ilm
Weight: 115 ponze
Sexuality: Bisexual, femme lean
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: Black
Birthplace: Central Shroud
Occupation: Former poacher and thief, scout and huntress, monster researcher
Languages: Common, Huntspeak, Doman-Hingan, Ishgardian
Weapons: Dual daggers/Dual Swords, throwing knives, bow and arrow
Voice Reference: Melissa Medine - Yuel

Eve's a woman who has changed much in her time recently. Since returning to Eorzea she's endeavored to turn over a new leaf, and make the most of her second chance. She is kind, friendly and affable. A fledgling healer and geomancer to augment her skills with archery and blades, she attempts to make friends with anyone she meets, but isn't above speaking her mind if someone rubs her the wrong way.Those with shady pasts looking to do some good, or those who understand the complicated and nuanced nature of morals when it comes to crimes will make fast friends. Beyond that, she's good for a conversation on nearly any topic, with an insatiable curiosity to learn more on things she is unfamiliar with.Likes: Adventure, hunting, drinking, relaxing, tail brushes, ear scritches, monster researchDislikes: Adders, liars
Shroud Born: Eve was raised a tribal Keeper of a now lost tribe. Other tribal Keepers are sure to make fast friends.Coeurlclaw: Down on her luck as a young adult, Eve turned to the Claws to survive. Her hunting group was caught and killed. Supposedly she was too, so how is she here?Once a Thief...: Having poached and thieved before to survive, she's pretty sympathetic to those who do it for the right reasons, but has little love for those who do so without the need or cause undue harm.Scout for Hire: Her time working through the woods and employed under mysterious circumstances in the east makes her a capable scout. Any time you need a lookout, look no further than her.Monster Researcher: In addition to her hunting work, Eve has taken to writing her own bestiary, with everything from the mundane hunts of wild chocobo to the more exotic, including notes on voidsent, yokai and more.

OOC Information:
Contact me any time! In game and out.I'm in Eastern US timezone, and am mostly available in the evenings to late nights. I'm often available for RP, so simply ask!I'm open to pre-existing relationships, just discuss it with me out of character. Eve may have crossed paths with your character in her journey!There's also information intentionally left off of this profile for discovery via RP! Don't think you know everything on the gal just yet!I'm also available for Discord RP, though this is not my primary means of roleplay, it can help if our schedules don't line up!Remember to always be courteous and kind out-of-character!IGN - Evoh Rhaal - Balmung
Discord - @namimizu
Basic Information:
Name: Evoh Rhaal
Race: Yokai
Type: Kitsune (Fox Spirit), Half Zenko, Half Nogitsune
Age: 28 (1 Tail)
Height: 5 fulm 2 ilm
Weight: 115 ponze
Sexuality: Bisexual, femme lean
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: White with Black lowlights
Birthplace: Central Shroud
Occupation: Former poacher and thief, scout and huntress for hire
Languages: Common, Huntspeak, Doman-Hingan
Weapons: Dual blades, throwing knives, bow and arrow, firearms
Voice Reference: Melissa Medine - Yuel